IntellJ IDEA清理Android冗余文件(Android Lint使用)
The Android lint tool is a static code analysis tool that checks your Android project source files for potential bugs and optimization improvements for correctness, security, performance, usability, accessibility, and internationalization.
In Android Studio, the configured lint and other IDE inspections run automatically whenever you compile your program. You can also manually run inspections in Android Studio by selecting Analyze > Inspect Code from the application or right-click menu. The Specify Inspections Scope dialog appears so you can specify the desired inspection profile and scope.
IntellJ IDEA和Android Studio中使用Lint
Lint工具支持很多IDE开发工具,目前比较流行的开发工具莫过于IntellJ IDEA和Android Studio了,当然现在还有很多人在使用Eclipse进行开发。
**IntellJ IDEA和Android Studio中使用:Analyze > Inspect Code from the application or right-click menu.**